
Random Base64 Generator

World's simplest base64 tool
This online program generates random valid base64 data of constant or variable length. You can control the total number of base64 data pieces in the output and also enable multi-line (chunked) base64 output. Additionally, you can create full base64 strings that don't contain the padding character "=". Created by encoding gurus from team Browserling.
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Base64 Length
Minimum number of characters in the generated base64.
Maximum number of characters in the generated base64.
To generate constant length base64, enter the same value in the min and max fields.
Count and Padding
Generate this many random base64 strings.
Generate full 24-bit base64 bundles that never have the padding character "=".
Base64 Chunking
Output random base64 in chunks on multiple lines with constant line length.
Length of each chunk. (Note: the last line can be shorter if there is not enough data.)

What is a Random Base64 Generator?

learn more about this tool
This application works in your browser and it creates random base64 data pieces. The base64 encoding alphabet consists of 64 ASCII characters – 26 of which are small English letters (a, b, c, … z), 26 are capital English letters (A, B, C, …, Z), 10 are digits (0, 1, 2, …, 9), 2 are special characters "+" and "/", and 1 is trailing character "=". All base64 strings that the program generates are valid base64 and can be decoded. You can change the length of output base64 by adjusting the minimum and maximum range options. As base64 consists of bundles of 4 characters, the range of the output data length must contain at least one value that is a multiple of four. When decoded, every 4 base64 symbols turn into to 3 regular symbols. Sometimes, there are one or two "=" characters at the end of the base64 data. This means there were not enough bits in the encoded data and the missing bits were filled with the equal sign. If you want the generated base64 to have full groups of bytes, then use the "Avoid Padding" option. In the output, you can have as many base64 strings as you want and you can control it via the count option. If the base64 data is really long, you can also split it into multiple chunks by selecting the "Chunkify Output" option and specifying the desired chunk length. Base64abulous!

Random Base64 Generator examples

Click to use
Generate Random Base-64
In this example, we generate fifteen random base-64 data pieces of different lengths. We set the minimum length to 8 and the maximum to 60. Since the length of base-64 is always a multiple of 4, the generated data is always either 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, or 60 characters long.
Vio7YVdIX1B+UEMwZCVPMiZAdCZ6RVg= fnI1NFp6fUFLdm8jWEp9KmFKWFJ+NnRMJyc= O1ZgQi9mWzkgY29ldFx+IzosVUFHa0F5XU5LUkkgXVc+bjM= SVFJR3heaXZiSTlmKQ== JCNlKDRHN3gzR34vfHghW1IsemJ2VjMhbURRY21ic25ZbFE= XXVYezhncCpLXUlnIA== ZlRSLWMgL0srakpmUHRiZkpdKUAw bFd0a3BfInd6XGo= OTh6MCFgXGsiVlczJkYycCQpLV8wIlwyMi4pYn56USlfImZXYiJURk1OXH1+ WWomRjg2XVBDOGA3WFQseFhDNCggdFJFcilFUkEkbFd0PixwPn43cE4= VCUrV1NJJUcuaWZyJD5HW1RdZXY7a2Z9MyBZ fnQlTGxcW1AgPg== Tzw4TDRlSE1BICBhJTFRcGBsUyY+WUZANFIxVU5DQ2pm aXxIUmouLV86S19zS3ViZX5ATjV1XH1CY04oX1R+IFM= cGZTKChqc1x3Rk9+QUNeJjdKT2IvfWdaeX5QdWUuYF4oJA==
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Minimum number of characters in the generated base64.
Maximum number of characters in the generated base64.
Generate this many random base64 strings.
Generate full 24-bit base64 bundles that never have the padding character "=".
Output random base64 in chunks on multiple lines with constant line length.
Length of each chunk. (Note: the last line can be shorter if there is not enough data.)
Fixed Length Base-64
In this example, we fix the base-64 length to 24 characters and create 12 random base-64 strings. To fix the length, we set both min-length and max-length options to 24, and to output 12 different base-64 strings, we set the count option to 12. We also enable the option to avoid the padding symbol "=". With this option turned on, the base-64 data always forms complete groups of 4 bytes.
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Minimum number of characters in the generated base64.
Maximum number of characters in the generated base64.
Generate this many random base64 strings.
Generate full 24-bit base64 bundles that never have the padding character "=".
Output random base64 in chunks on multiple lines with constant line length.
Length of each chunk. (Note: the last line can be shorter if there is not enough data.)
Multi-chunk Random Base64
This example formats the generated base-64 data into short constant-length multi-line blocks. To do this, it uses the "Chunkify Output" option and sets the number of characters per line equal to 12. It generates four random base-64 data blocks of random length with 36 to 48 characters in each piece. In the chunkified output, there are always 3 or 4 lines per block (because 36/12 = 3 and 48/12 = 4).
dkQodk5YUSZB XlF4cUshIWZS WykrZUJZemNE QU4zOCsrZiVq N09rNG5WPV1c LWJzQVE2USt7 bGJf XGc/O1ZvQkMh aypLLDxGO0hu NlhvLH5Ca3xZ KzFxRzwidDF8 Z2kyZzB2PHFH ciY2ID5zcCRK KnExXn5JdEcj e2g5blBI
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Minimum number of characters in the generated base64.
Maximum number of characters in the generated base64.
Generate this many random base64 strings.
Generate full 24-bit base64 bundles that never have the padding character "=".
Output random base64 in chunks on multiple lines with constant line length.
Length of each chunk. (Note: the last line can be shorter if there is not enough data.)
Pro tips Master online base64 tools
You can pass options to this tool using their codes as query arguments and it will automatically compute output. To get the code of an option, just hover over its icon. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
All base64 tools
Didn't find the tool you were looking for? Let us know what tool we are missing and we'll build it!
Quickly split base64 data into multiple lines.
Quickly merge multi-line base64 chunks into a single line.
Quickly convert data to base64 encoding.
Quickly convert data from base64 to regular data.
Quickly generate valid random base64 data for testing.
Quickly check if the input data is valid base64.
Coming soon These base64 tools are on the way
Print Base64 Statistics
Analyze base64-encoded data and print information about it.
Create Errors in Base64 Data
Introduce random errors in the given base64-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base26
Convert data to base26 encoding.
Decode Base26 Data
Convert base26-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base26
Convert data in base-64 encoding to base-26 encoding.
Convert Base26 to Base64
Convert data in base-26 encoding to base-64 encoding.
Generate Random Base26 Data
Create valid random base26-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base32
Convert data to base32 encoding.
Decode Base32 Data
Convert base32-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base32
Convert base-64 data to base-32 data.
Convert Base32 to Base64
Convert base-32 data to base-64 data.
Generate Random Base32 Data
Create valid random base32-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base36
Convert data to base36 encoding.
Decode Base36 Data
Convert base36-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base36
Convert base-64 encoded data to base-36 encoded data.
Convert Base36 to Base64
Convert base-36 encoded data to base-64 encoded data.
Generate Random Base36 Data
Create valid random base36-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base45
Convert data to base45 encoding.
Decode Base45 Data
Convert base45-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base45
Convert base-64 encoded data to base-45 encoded data.
Convert Base45 to Base64
Convert base-45 encoded data to base-64 encoded data.
Generate Random Base45 Data
Create valid random base45-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base46
Convert data to base46 encoding.
Decode Base46 Data
Convert base46-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base46
Convert base-64 encoded data to base-46 encoded data.
Convert Base46 to Base64
Convert base-46 encoded data to base-64 encoded data.
Generate Random Base46 Data
Create valid random base46-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base58
Convert data to base58 encoding.
Decode Base58 Data
Convert base58-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base58
Convert data in base-64 encoding to data in base-58 encoding.
Convert Base58 to Base64
Convert data encoded in base-58 to data encoded in base-64.
Generate Random Base58 Data
Create valid random base58-encoded data.
Encode Data to Base62
Convert data to base62 encoding.
Decode Base62 Data
Convert base62-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Base62
Convert base-64 data to base-62 data.
Convert Base62 to Base64
Convert base-62 data to base-64 data.
Generate Random Base62 Data
Create valid random base62-encoded data.
Encode Data to Ascii85
Convert data to Ascii85 encoding.
Decode Ascii85 Data
Convert ascii85-encoded data to regular data.
Convert Base64 to Ascii85
Convert base-64 encoding to Ascii-85 encoding.
Convert Ascii85 to Base64
Convert Ascii-85 encoding to base-64 encoding.
Generate Random Ascii85 Data
Create valid random ascii85-encoded data.
Convert Base64 to Uuencoding
Convert base-64 data to uuencoded data.
Convert Uuencoding to Base64
Convert uuencoded data to base-64 encoded data.
Convert Base64 to Xxencoding
Convert base-64 data to xxencoded data.
Convert Xxencoding to Base64
Convert xxencoded data to base-64 encoded data.
Convert Base64 to Binary
Convert base-64 data to binary data.
Convert Binary to Base64
Convert binary data to base-64 data.
Convert Base64 to Octal
Convert base-64 encoding to octal base.
Convert Octal to Base64
Convert octal base to base-64 encoding.
Convert Base64 to Decimal
Convert base-64 encoded data to decimal numbers.
Convert Decimal to Base64
Convert decimal numbers to base-64 encoded data.
Convert Base64 to Hex
Convert base-64 data to hexadecimal base.
Convert Hex to Base64
Convert hexadecimal base to base-64 data.
Convert Base64 to File
Convert base-64 data to a downloadable file.
Convert File to Base64
Convert any file to base-64 data.
Replace Base64 Alphabet
Swap one base64 index table with another.
Remove Base64 Padding
Remove padding from the end of base64 data.
Add Base64 Padding
Append extra padding to base64 data.
Compress Base64 Data
Use a more compact base64 representation.
ROT13-encode Base64
Apply ROT13 encryption algorithm on base64 data.
ROT13-decode Base64
Decrypt previously ROT-13 encoded base64 data.
ROT32-encode Base64
Apply ROT32 encryption algorithm on base64 data.
ROT32-decode Base64
Decrypt previously ROT-32 encoded base64 data.
ROT47-encode Base64
Apply ROT47 encryption algorithm on base64 data.
ROT47-decode Base64
Decrypt previously ROT-47 encoded base64 data.
Btoa-encode Data
Encode data using the original btoa program.
Btoa-decode Data
Decode previously encoded btoa-data (run atob program).
Obfuscate Base64
Obfuscate base64 data by adding fake delimiters.
Generate Fake Base64
Create real-looking base64 data that is fake.
Generate Symmetric Base64
Create base64 data that is a palindrome.
Glitch Base64
Add glitches to base64-encoded data.
Destroy Base64
Let Zalgo destroy base64-encoded data.